Thursday, June 14, 2012

mirror, mirror on the wall, I'm too skinny, I'm too tall

1 Samuel 16:7  "But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.'"

Especially as teenagers, our idea of our self image becomes twisted. All of the sudden every part of us seems wrong. For some, this image is more dramatic than others. Girls, in particular, are not happy with how they look. We've all fallen into the trap at least once, I will honestly say I have done it a lot. Sometimes, people have this idea that they need to be "perfect". Perfect for that special guy or girl you have a crush on to like you. Perfect for your parents to be proud of you. Perfect so that people will look at you and they will not be able to point out one flaw, therefore you can sit there and point out all of theirs. When we get this idea of being perfect in our minds, it's really our sinful nature wanting to be higher than others. Wanting to "out do" everyone else. We can never just be happy with our bodies the way they are. Say that you have something disproportional on your body. You sit there and think that everyone can see it, no matter how miniscule it may or may not be. There may even be man made things to cover it up, but you will always sit there, self conscious of your body. Here's the thing though,
Genesis 1:27- "So God created man in his own image,
    in the image of God he created him;
     male and female he created them."

God created us, in his own image. How amazing is that? He created us, from him. He took his time on every single one of us, and in his eyes, we are perfect, because his son came and died on the cross to save us from our sins. So, maybe you do have a disproportion on your body, or your not as skinny as you hoped to be. Just remember, God created us all, in his image, and He loves each and every one of us equally. He has a plan for you, and he made you that way for a reason. So the next time you look at your body and think "Man, I wish I looked normal", remember that you are perfect in God's eyes, and that is all that matters. You can go ahead and cover your flaw with the man made items, but do not dwell on your problem, for the Lord loves you, no matter what. If you go through life with this idea in mind, you will find 'joye' in your life.
God Bless.

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