Tonight, I do not have a lot of time to write. Tomorrow is my biggest test day with two big midterms. You would think that one of them should be a breeze because it is christian faith, but I don't think so. So I will make this short and sweet. It was a beautiful day outside today. This evening we took a small break from studying for some cupcakes and well, a ladies sex talk here on campus. No, this wasn't your normal sex talk giving everyone a condom and telling them to practice safe sex. What I got from this talk is that it's okay to be single. Sometimes it's better to be single and wanting to be married than to be in a unhappy marriage. But, the most important thing I got from it is that God loves us, no matter what. Yes, I already knew that, but in this world where sex is almost idolized, the pressures of society closing in on us all, saying that we are "weird" or "uncool" if we don't do it, it can be easy to forget.
We just need to remember that God loves us no matter what. He knows we make mistakes, we are human and therefore sinful. If you make a mistake do not beat yourself up about it; repent and move on in God's love.
Okay, I have to get off my soap box for the night because I need to go study. God bless!
She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." Proverbs 31:25
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