Tuesday, February 28, 2012

All about me... sort of

Thank you for the suggestions. They were all very helpful! So, here we go. One reader said they wanted to hear about me and my dreams. Now, when I started this blog, my main goal was to make a difference with my posts. I don't want this blog to be all about me. So, you want to know about me? about my dreams? My dreams are to help people. I want to be an elementary school teacher because I feel like that is when the kids are most influenced and I want to be part of that influence. I want to make an impact on peoples' lives. I want to make people think about things, I mean, really think. I want to make a difference in the way people look at things. So, that's me. My biggest dream is to make a difference. So, what about you? What are your dreams? your ambitions? Nothing is too trivial or stupid. Comment below, I want to hear from you :) Tell me about you.

Thanks for reading:) More to come...

Sunday, February 26, 2012

writer's block....

OK guys, so I know I haven't posted in a while, I've been super busy with choir and color guard and college visits:) But also, I'm having a bit of a writer's block. I want to know what's on your mind. I'm reaching out to the readers so, give me a topic or tell me about some experience in your life that could be related to a topic, let me know what you want me to write about next. I'm open to ANY suggestions. So, comment on this post, message me on facebook, text me, call me, talk to me in person. Anything. Help me out here guys so we can get this blog started again:) You're opinions are very welcome and much appreciated! Thank you!:)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Practice, Practice, Practice. But, for what?

We've been spending months preparing. Practicing every day for up to 5 hours some days. Exhausted at the end of the day, especially as the performance gets closer. And there are always those lingering questions, "Is all of our hard work going to be worth? Are we ready? Isn't there any more we can do?" After all of the practice, all of the preparation, it all comes down to one moment. One point in time that consists of one of the most important performances in your life. It all comes down to THEN and THERE. There's no going back and changing anything that you've done or could have done. You hope and pray that all of your preparation was enough. Does this remind you of anything? How about the coming of our Lord? We spend our lives preparing for our Lord's return to earth for the final judgment day. We have the same thoughts when it comes to this. "Have I done enough?" If Jesus were to come right now, would you stop him and say "Oh wait Lord, I'm not ready, there's still more I need to do here"? No, of course not. We should always be ready for Christs return and we should have faith that what we have done is enough. Everything we do in this life all comes down to that one final judgment day, and when it comes, there will be no going back. Therefore, make what you do on this earth count. Go out and preach the word of God to others. Practice what you preach, but remember, it's not you're good works that get you to heaven, but your faith that Jesus Christ came to save us all from our sins.Find your joy in life on earth, because when you die, you will have eternal joy you cannot even imagine for eternity in heaven:)